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Rs.472.50 Rs.675.00

Less time searching, more time for fun, clever fittings inside drawers and cabinets keep things organised. A helpful tip is to keep things close to where they are used.

21 In stock

Rs.472.50 Rs.675.00
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Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00

Mixing bowls are practical when you need to mix the dough for the chocolate balls, make a salad or marinate the food for the barbecue. The bottom’s ring keeps the bowl in place.

5 In stock

Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00
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Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00

Mixing bowls are practical when you need to mix the dough for the chocolate balls, make a salad or marinate the food for the barbecue. The bottom’s ring keeps the bowl in place.

5 In stock

Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00
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Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00

Mixing bowls are practical when you need to mix the dough for the chocolate balls, make a salad or marinate the food for the barbecue. The bottom’s ring keeps the bowl in place.

6 In stock

Rs.3,937.50 Rs.5,625.00